Phone: 830-780-6663


Degrees and Certifications:

Degrees and Certifications: Bachelor's of Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin - August 2008 Master of Arts in Guidance and Counseling from Texas A&M San Antonio - December 2014

Mrs. Melissa S. Johns

About me-
I was born and raised in Karnes City, Texas.  Go Badgers!  Serving as your school counselor is one of my life's greatest joys.  I love spending my free time with my husband and our two adorable boys.  I also enjoy reading, dancing, baking, walking, and listening to music.  

How can I help?  
I am here to support all of the wonderful children at Karnes City Primary and their families!  I provide classroom guidance lessons, individual counseling, small group counseling, consultation services, 504 coordination, and plan special events!  If you would like support for your child's social emotional needs, please do not hesitate to reach out to me any time- I'm here to help you!  

Need parenting tips for toddlers and/or pre-school aged children?  
Parenting Tips toddlers pre school kids