• Notification Settings

    ParentSquare allows users to customize their notifications based on notification type and select their preferred delivery method for each school. Notification types include:

    • Emergency Alerts & Notices include any urgent alerts and attendance notices (cannot be disabled).
    • School Alerts include any Smart Alerts and other student notices.
    • General Announcements & Messages include any posts, direct messages and reminders.

    For General Announcements, you can also select if you would like to receive instant or digest email,  text and app notifications. If the digest is chosen, then you’ll receive an email and/or text and/or an app notification every day in the evening with all posts from that day.

    If you are having problems updating your notification settings please contact KCISD Communications Coordinator at aupton@kcisd.net or 830-780-6263.

    Update your Notification Preferences (Mobile Apps)

    1. From your home screen click the triple bar in the top left corner

    2. Click on "Account" and then "Preferences".

    notification 4 Notification 5 

    3. Click on "Notification Settings" 

    4. Select how you would like to be notified.

    Notification 6Notification 7Notification 7 Notification 9  

    Update your Notification Preferences (Web Portal)

    1. On your home page select the down arrow next to your name and click on 'My Account'.notification settings 1 
    2. Select "Customize your settings" under Notification Settings. Notification 2 
    3. Select your preferred Notification Settings for Alerts and General Announcements. Once you've made selections, future messaging will send based on your preferences. not 3